Qualities of Healthy Leadership

Qualities of Healthy Leadership Notes from the Authentic Spiritual Conversations meeting held in Cottonwood, AZ on 12/15/2016 Friends, Carlton and Carolyn spoke of how the ongoing discussions around being a leaderfull group were stimulating thoughts around being more self responsible as group members. Mokasiya asked what are the qualities of healthy leadership…. <read more…>

Ground Rules?

Ground Rules? Notes from the Authentic Spiritual Conversations meeting held in Cottonwood, AZ on 12/8/2016 Friends, Nelle shared some insights about having taken on the role of facilitator at the last meeting where there were 4 new people in attendance. We discussed facilitator led groups in comparison to leader-full…. <read more…>

Perspective Taking

Perspective Taking Notes from the Authentic Spiritual Conversations meeting held in Cottonwood, AZ on 11/17/2016 Friends, The group explored the theme of perspective taking. Rick shared that an individual has to reach a certain level of development before they have an ability to consider two perspectives at once. …. <read more…>

Hearts Will Open

Hearts Will Open Notes from the Authentic Spiritual Conversations meeting held in Cottonwood, AZ on 11/10/2016 Friends, Members shared some of their feelings and thoughts following the presidential election this week, seeking support from the group, to be heard, and to place all of that in a larger context…. <read more…>