Authentic Spiritual Conversations. Meets every Wednesday in Cottonwood, Arizona, gathering at 3:00pm and beginning at 3:15 – 4:15 PM in the Cottonwood Public Library meeting room, 100 S. 6th St. Do you long for the kind of connection where you can explore what feels spiritually real, core, and alive in you? Where what is trying to emerge in you can slowly take form and become more explicit in community? Do you want to be able to explore your spiritual questions, doubts, practices, and deepest longings in a space where everyone’s needs are gently held as important and sacred? Are you tired of being “nice” at the price of your soul’s freedom? Tired of keeping silent and playing it “safe” in order to fit into group norms that tell you what you should believe? Join in a conversation where your uniqueness can be nurtured and you can feel safe to be seen and blossom. For more information contact info@cgifellowship.org or call 916-307-9790.
Authentic Spiritual Conversations. Beginning April 3rd, we will meet every Sunday in Seaside, OR, gathering at 3:00pm and beginning at 3:15 – 4:15 PM in the Seaside Public Library conference room, 1131 Broadway St. Do you long for the kind of connection where you can explore what feels spiritually real and alive in you? Where what is trying to emerge can slowly take form and become more explicit in community? Do you want to be able to explore your spiritual questions, doubts, practices, and deepest longings in a space where everyone’s needs are respectfully held? Are you tired of being “nice,” tired of keeping silent and playing it safe, in order to fit into group norms that tell you what you should believe? Join in a conversation where your uniqueness can be nurtured and you can feel safe to express your authentic truth. All faiths, including “spiritual but not religious,” agnostic, and atheist are welcome. For more information contact info@cgifellowship.org or call 916-307-9790.
On every Wednesday of the month a new group called Authentic Spiritual Conversations will be meeting to create a safe interfaith space for discussing timely spiritual topics. The goal is to mutually support participants in putting their spiritual values into practice in an environment where we respect the right of each member to follow their own spiritual path. This group is developed on the idea that spiritual development can be enhanced within the context of a safe, supportive, and compassionate fellowship which allows for deep inquiry.
All faiths, including “spiritual but not religious,” agnostic, and atheist are welcome to this weekly, one-hour meeting. The conversation is focused around a different topic each week, where the emphasis is on empathic listening and supportive dialogue. Participants are invited to share their personal understanding, experience, and practices related to the topic of discussion. All members are invited to suggest weekly topics of interest. For further information contact info@cgifellowship.org or call 916-307-9790.