Finding Balance
The excerpt for this week is from the Buddhist Lion’s Roar article entitled “How to Find a Better Balance” by Christiane Wolf|.
“Equanimity protects us from emotional overreaction and allows us to rest in a bigger perspective. ‘Go placidly amid the noise and the haste and remember what peace there may be in silence.’ With this sentence the writer Max Ehrmann began “Desiderata.” My mother appreciated this poem so much that she hung a framed copy across from the toilet in our bathroom, and for years I found myself reflecting on it several times a day in a contemplative position. Was this the origin of my quest for equanimity?”
“Equanimity protects us from emotional overreaction and allows us to rest in a bigger perspective. ‘Go placidly amid the noise and the haste and remember what peace there may be in silence.’ With this sentence the writer Max Ehrmann began “Desiderata.” My mother appreciated this poem so much that she hung a framed copy across from the toilet in our bathroom, and for years I found myself reflecting on it several times a day in a contemplative position. Was this the origin of my quest for equanimity?”
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