Escaping Our Self-Made Cell
“Nothing made by a child of God is without power. It is essential to realize this, because otherwise you will be unable to escape from the prison you have made.” ACIM T-3.VII.1:7-8 A man is climbing alone in the mountains. He comes to the edge of a precipice, looks over the side, develops vertigo, loses his balance, and falls. Quickly, he reaches out and grabs hold of the branch of a small tree. Suspended hundreds of feet in the air, unable to think of anything else, he cries out: “Is anybody there?” There is a long silence, and then a voice from out of nowhere says: “It’s all right, my son, I’m here. I will take care of you. Let go.” There is another long silence, and the man says: “Is anybody else there?”
There are no miracles in Heaven. Only in an illusory world are miracles needed to dispel fear and bring peace to our divided minds. Lesson 101 from the Course says that “God’s Will for Me is Perfect Happiness.” Really, “Perfect Happiness?”
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