
Self-Compassion Weekly Blog Friends, Here is an excerpt on self-compassion by Nonviolent Communication (NVC) trainer Meganwind Eoyang. Also included is a short statement from Tami Simon at Sounds True on self-acceptance…. ”  <read more…>

New Sunday Service

New Sunday Service Announcement Friends, We now have a Sunday morning “Celebration of Spirit” service. Our general idea is to create an “un-church” service that draws upon the values of our Tuesday evening Authentic Spiritual Conversations and adds ritual, music, and connection with what we each individually define and experience as sacred. This Sunday morning…

Dark Nights

Dark Nights Weekly Blog Friends, Here is an excerpt from the book Dark Nights of the Soul: A Guide to Finding Your Way Through Life’s Ordeals, by Thomas Moore. Imagine yourself as made up of three parts. One part … never changes, the eternal self. … A second level is so completely defined by events…

Creative Flow

Creative Flow Weekly Blog Friends, Here is an excerpt on creative flow by ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley in her July 28, 2017 Daily Spiritual Espresso blog. I have also included a short, related meditation practice from The Way of Mastery, Part 1, The Way of the Heart by Shanti Christo. “Some people can create Abundance…

Seeing with New Eyes

Seeing With New Eyes Weekly Blog Friends, This week we return to the book, Living Deeply: The Art & Science of Transformation in Everyday Life to look at what is consciousness transformation. “Consciousness transformations are profound internal shifts that result in long-lasting changes in the way you experience yourself, others, and the world….” <read more…>


Presence Weekly Blog Friends, Here is an excerpt on presence, “What has never changed?” from Bentinho Massaro’s Trinfinity Academy course on enlightenment. “I have gone through many personal transformations over the years: physical, mental, emotional, circumstantial, and spiritual. Yet, …” <read more…>