Perfecting Love

Perfecting Love Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt in this week’s blog contains one of my favorite stories. It comes from a Spirituality & Health magazine interview by Sam Mowe with Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield entitled “How Can People Be Deeply Spiritual and Emotionally Immature?….. <read more…>


Curiosity Weekly Blog Friends, This week, I am sharing excerpts from Terry Chadsey, Executive Director of Courage & Renewal (Parker Palmer’s organization). His sense of curiosity as a welcoming stance is an important way-of-being to create safety….. <read more…>

Stereotypes and Safety

Stereotypes and Safety Notes from the Authentic Spiritual Conversations meeting held in Cottonwood, AZ on 01/12/2017 Friends, Carolyn started the meeting by talking about how much more she is becoming aware of the “boxes” (stereotypes) she has of groups of people, or ideas/institutions. Cindy raised the possibility that this was a way of staying safe….…