
Defenselessness Friends, The excerpt this week is from ACIM teacher Jon Mundy’s letter entitled “In Defenselessness My Safety Lies” based on Lesson 153 from A Course In Miracles. “… ‘defenses are but foolish guardians of mad illusions. The more grotesque the dream, the fiercer and more powerful its defenses seem to be.’ The Course cautions…

Courage of the Heart

Courage of the Heart Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield’s excerpt entitled “Courage of the Heart,” adapted from his book, “A Path with Heart.” “Very often what nourishes our spirit most is what brings us face to face with our greatest limitations and difficulties. My teacher Ajahn Chah called this…

Energy Report

Energy Report Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from Lee Harris’ June 2021 Energy Update Report. Harris is an intuitive who takes the pulse on what might show up each month. “Some of the themes this month are: Higher Mind Emergence, which will lead to greater clarity and vision; Group Connection is on…

From Naysayer to Yaysayer

From Naysayer to Yaysayer Friends, The excerpt this week is from Michael Beckwith’s sermon entitled, “From Naysayer to Yaysayer.” “Just feel the impress of the spirit moving through right now. Just take a deep inhalation and release and allow yourselves to be reminded that you have a symbiotic relationship with the entire cosmos with all…