BIPOC Buddhism

BIPOC Buddhism Friends, The excerpt this week is from an article entitled “Forum: BIPOC Buddhism” in the Lion’s Roar Buddhist on-line magazine. (BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color.) La Sarmiento, Loinaz, and Iwata discuss the experiences of BIPOC Buddhist practitioners—the obstacles they face, and the contributions they are making. Moderated and with…

Hinduism in America

Hinduism in America Friends, The excerpt this week is from a blog by Philip Goldberg on the influence of Swami Vivekananda in introducing Hinduism to America, stating that “Countless Americans have been influenced by Swami Vivekananda, even if many don’t know who he is.” “I often compare Swami Vivekananda to Jackie Robinson, the first African-American…

Evolutionary Energy

A Time of Evolutionary Energy Friends, The excerpt this week is from Lee Harris’ Energy Update entitled, “Living in a Time of Revolutionary Energy.” “The one thing the zs have said, they have talked about revolutionary energy on the planet not really reaching ahead until 2024. To me revolutionary energy doesn’t necessarily mean protests on…

Illusion of Control

Illusion of Control Friends, The excerpt this week is from a blog by Craig Hamilton on 4/3/2020 entitled, “Spiritual Survival Skill #3: Giving Up the Illusion of Control.” “The third practice modality or inner posture of awakening is something all of us on the spiritual path have heard about: surrender. A lot of different people…

Spontaneous Healing

Spontaneous Healing Friends, The excerpt this week is from an interview by Tami Simon with Dr. Jeffrey Rediger. Rediger is the Medical Director of the psychiatric institution at McLean Hospital, has researched cases labeled spontaneous healing, and published his findings in a book called Cured: The Life-Changing Science of Spontaneous Healing.        “Tami Simon: Jeffrey,…