Evolutionary Energy

A Time of Evolutionary Energy Friends, The excerpt this week is from Lee Harris’ Energy Update entitled, “Living in a Time of Revolutionary Energy.” “The one thing the zs have said, they have talked about revolutionary energy on the planet not really reaching ahead until 2024. To me revolutionary energy doesn’t necessarily mean protests on…

Illusion of Control

Illusion of Control Friends, The excerpt this week is from a blog by Craig Hamilton on 4/3/2020 entitled, “Spiritual Survival Skill #3: Giving Up the Illusion of Control.” “The third practice modality or inner posture of awakening is something all of us on the spiritual path have heard about: surrender. A lot of different people…

Spontaneous Healing

Spontaneous Healing Friends, The excerpt this week is from an interview by Tami Simon with Dr. Jeffrey Rediger. Rediger is the Medical Director of the psychiatric institution at McLean Hospital, has researched cases labeled spontaneous healing, and published his findings in a book called Cured: The Life-Changing Science of Spontaneous Healing.        “Tami Simon: Jeffrey,…

Habit of Worrying

Habit of Worrying Friends, The excerpt this week is from Vietnamese Buddhist Master, Thich Nhat Hanh’s talk posted on youtube 10/12/2020 entitled, “How to Take Care of the Habit Energy of Worrying.” “Sitting also can be very enjoyable…. just enjoying the sitting and enjoying your breathing and feeling you are alive. The president of South…

Working With Chaos

Working With Chaos Friends, The excerpt this week is from Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron, excerpted by Lion’s Roar from Pema’s book, “When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times.”       “Sometimes … on a long walk with a friend, we find ourselves discussing our ideas about how to live and how to act and…

How Low Can You Go

How Low Can You Go Friends, The excerpt this week is from Agape minister Michael Beckwith’s 10/06/2021 Sunday talk entitled “How Low Can You Go? It Doesn’t Matter- God is there!” “God’s got the whole world in his hands. We’re seeking to embrace the entire globe with a dynamic love ethic that transcends greed and selfishness,…

Stepping Off the Wheel

Stepping Off the Wheel Friends, The excerpt this week is from Buddhist teacher Tara Brach from a course on Happiness, Contentment, and Inner Freedom.  “I saw a cartoon a while ago with two mice and each is on its own spinning wheel and one is running furiously, the wheel’s in motion, and the other is…

Overcoming Anxiety

Overcoming Anxiety Friends, The excerpt this week is from a Youtube video of Sadhguru post entitled “One Thing You Must Do to Overcome Anxiety.” Jagadish “Jaggi” Vasudev, better known as Sadhguru, is an Indian yoga guru and proponent of spirituality. He is the author of several books and a frequent speaker at international forums. “Sadhguru:…

I Have Arrived

I Have Arrived Friends, The excerpt this week is from a Lion’s Roar article by Mitchell Ratner entitled, “The Spirit of Plum Village.” “The next Buddha may be a sangha (fellowship),” Thich Nhat Hanh famously said, and the practice of community was always central to his life and teachings. Dharma teacher Mitchell Ratner experienced the wonders,…

Quest Consciousness

Quest Consciousness Friends, The excerpt this week is extracted from Agape minister Michael Beckwith’s 04/24/2022 Sunday talk. “Our theme of the month has been quest consciousness and we’re developing a discipline around waking up… a quest for excellence, a quest to remember that we’ve arrived here on the planet to release our talents, to expand…