Let Go of Your Mind

Let Go of Your Mind Friends, The excerpt this week is from Craig Hamilton’s Q&A entitled, “Dare to Let Go of Your Mind: The Mature Innocence of Living in the Unknown.” “QUESTION: I’m confident in my ability to let go of my mind and my thoughts during meditation, but the idea of doing this in…

Doing Our Best

Doing Our Best Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from the Daily Om blog of 08/19/2021 entitled “Doing Our Best.” “We often come into contact with the idea that our best isn’t good enough, as if this were actually possible. If you examine this notion, you will begin to see that it doesn’t…

Time is a Trick

Time is a Trick Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from ACIM teacher Jon Mundy’s 8/8/21 letter entitled “Time, Revelation, and Miracles.” “There is a story about a rabbi who is teaching a group of students. One student puts forth a theory, to which the rabbi responds, “You’re right.” Another student then puts…

Navigating Rough Waters

Navigating Rough Waters Friends, The excerpt this week is from Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield’s 8/7/21 newsletter entitled “Navigating Rough Waters.” “Very often what nourishes our spirit most is what brings us face to face with our greatest limitations and difficulties. My teacher Ajahn Chah called this “practicing against the grain,” or “facing into one’s difficulties.”…

Deciding To Be Masterful

Deciding To Be Masterful Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley in her 07/30/21 blog. “When I began working with A Season For Nonviolence in 1997 I made a commitment to live a nonviolent life…. By intentionally aligning myself with the consciousness of nonviolence, I was following in the footsteps…

Trusting Our Inner Authority

Trusting Our Inner Authority Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from Franciscan monk Richard Rohr’s meditation “Trusting Our Inner Authority.”        “The two wheels of Scripture and Tradition can be seen as sources of outer authority, while our personal experience leads to our inner authority. I am convinced we need and can have…


Vigilence Friends, The excerpt this week is from Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron, from her book “The Way of the Bodhisattva,” Chapter 5 section on the “three disciplines”: not causing harm, gathering virtue, and benefiting others. “The first discipline, not causing harm, is … the most fundamental instruction for not making a mess of things: the…

Navigating Uncertainty

Navigating Uncertainty Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from a transcript of a speech given by Jean Houston at an Altered States Conference. “If we’re going to grow and green our time… it’s going to be a question of people getting together in teaching learning communities, growing, deepening together and within themselves, because their…

New Virtual Reality

New Virtual Reality Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from Joe Dispenza’s blog entitled “Rewriting the Rules of Virtual Reality: Part 3.” “The idea of virtual realities is not necessarily a new one. It is precisely what Plato was talking about in his Allegory of the Cave, or what Lewis Carroll was talking about…

Trust Anyway

Trust Anyway Friends, The excerpt this week is from ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley in her blog “Ends is in the Means.” “If you’d like to make a fresh start in life, you might need some capital…. Trust is our spiritual capital. If we’re starting a new life, a new experience of healing, and revitalization, but…