When You Feel Stuck

When You Feel Stuck Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Dr. Joe Dispenza’s blog. Dispenza is the author of several books including, You are the Placebo and Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. “For those of you feeling stuck in your life, I want you to consider two things. The first is…

Gift of Being Present

The Gift of Being Present Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Rabbi Rami Shapiro entitled “The Gift of Being Present.” “Both Hanukkah and Christmas owe their innermost meaning to the turning of the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere. This is our dark time of year when the sun appears weak…. So we…

Releasing Family Karma

Releasing Family Karma Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Madisyn Tayor’s interview with Sarah Wiseman about her DailyOM course ‘Release Yourself from Family Karma.’ “Our family often teaches us our biggest soul lessons–the most important karma we’re here to work on this lifetime. There are seven karmic shadows that are written into…

Habit of Fault-Finding

Habit of Fault-Finding Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley in her Daily Espresso blogs. “I didn’t realize it, but I was preventing myself from having healthy Self-esteem… I was degrading my own sense of well-being and worthiness…when I gave myself permission to attack others, to judge and criticize…

Find Balance with the News

Find Balance with the News Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Oren Jay Sofer, who is a trainer of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and teaches mindfulness and communication nationally. He is the author of the book Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication. “More and more these days I find…

Bodhisattva Training

Bodhisattva Training Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Pema Chödrön’s new online course, “The Joy of Letting Go”…. “You don’t have to look far in today’s world to find suffering, both large and small. Seemingly endless violent conflicts around the world…. How can we hold the suffering of others without drowning in…

Instrument of Peace

Instrument of Peace Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Richard Rohr’s look at the Franciscan Way, teachings of Francis of Assisi. “Much of Francis of Assisi’s genius was that he was ready for absolute “newness” from God, and therefore could also trust fresh and new attitudes in himself. In his “Testament,” Francis…

The Way of Relationships

The Way of Relationships Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from the book, Mandala: Creating an Authentic Spiritual Path an Interspiritual Process, by Edward W. Bastian. “Through relationships, we … experience directly the personal effects of spiritual teachings as we try to apply them in our interactions with others…. The Way of Relationships…

Healing Relationships

Healing Relationships Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley. “When we give up on other people, we’re also giving up on ourselves. And yet, when people are so disappointing and difficult, it’s so tempting to walk away from them. Giving up, quitting, that’s the easy thing to do in…

Witches and Goblins Need Empathy

Witches and Goblins Need Compassion Too! Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Mary Mackenzie’s Nonviolent Communication Academy newsletter. “Last week our NVC Academy Team was meeting, and I asked if anyone had any ideas for a topic for our October issue of Growing Roots. Fellow co-founder of the NVC Academy, Mark Schultz,…