Emotional Freedom

Emotional Freedom Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from Craig Hamilton’s November 2020 class entitled, “Into the Cauldron: The Practice of Emotional Freedom.”        “I’m excited that during this time of emotional volatility in our lives for many of us, that we’ll look at a meditation practice that brings our relationship to our…

Compassionate Listening

Compassionate Listening Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley in her 11/06/20 blog “Being a Healing Presence.” “In my Spiritual Counseling Training, one of the things I demonstrate and teach is the healing power of compassionate listening. It’s extraordinary how much can be lifted, shifted and healed when we’re…

Holding the Long View

Holding the Long View Friends, The excerpt this week comes from ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley’s message for 04/03/19. “I’ve learned the value of working towards “going for the gold” in the long view. I’ve learned to hold the vision that Spirit gives me for the changes that are possible, and then it’s my job to energize…

Seeing the Good

Seeing the Good Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Nonviolent Communication teacher Eddie Zacapa in the BayNVC 10/23/20 newsletter entitled “Seeing the Good in Others.” “There are many stories about Martin Luther King Jr. that remind us of his dream. There is one story in particular that reminds me to see the good in…

Never doubt Your Intentions

Never Doubt Your Intentions Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from Craig Hamilton’s article based on a question received in his Q&A session, “Never Doubt Your Intention: How to Deal with “Backsliding” on the Spiritual Path.”       “Question: Recently, I came to a point on the spiritual path where I had a real…

Thinking Miraculously

Thinking Miraculously Friends, The excerpt this week comes from ACIM teacher John Mundy in his 9/27/20 Weekly Inspiration for the Inner Journey. “A Course in Miracles and A Course of Love give us newer, deeper ways of seeing and being — if only we can do what they suggest. We have free will. It is…

Plenum or Vacuum

Plenum or Vacuum? Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Michael Beckwith’s sermon called “Plenum or Vacuum? Your View Makes All the Difference.” “We’re taking on the charge, “this is the best day ever and it’s getting better!” We’re taking on the charge that we’re so available to the spirit of the living God, the living…

A Soft Answer

A Soft Answer Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from Terry Dobson of Eastern Healing Arts. Terry Dobson, holder of a fourth degree black belt in Aikido, has worked with conflict resolution for 20 years. “A turning point came in my life one day on a train in the suburbs of Tokyo… At…

What Is This Time For

What Is This Time For? Friends, The excerpt this week comes from ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley in her 06/28/20 letter “What this time is for.” “Right now, there’s a lot of blame going around. I know all too well what it feels like to be upset with situations I didn’t like and deceive myself by…

White Fragility

White Fragility Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Robert Schwarz, who is executive director for the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). This blog comes from his article, “White fragility – my journey exploring diversity and inclusion so far.” This blog also includes “White Fragility and the Rules of Engagement” from Robin DiAngelo’s book,…