Unity or Conflict?

Unity or Conflict? Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Science of Mind Magazine, February 2020 Newsletter. “With all that connects us to one another, why do we have such a difficult time navigating the differences between us? …Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti believes that ‘the moment we separate ourselves from the essence of…


Meltdown Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley. “You know the healing is REALLY happening in your mind when you no longer feel punished by the things occurring in your life. When you can take whatever comes in stride with grace. Healing is happening when you’ve spun out your…

Warrior of the Heart

Warrior of the Heart Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Book Summary of The Four Agreements, based on the Toltec teachings of don Miguel Ruiz, by Heather Ash Amara. “For decades, I’ve studied many different spiritual and healing modalities. The most potent tools I’ve discovered are from the Toltec teachings of don…

Already Free 2

Already Free – Part 2 Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Tami Simon’s Insight at the Edge interview of Bruce Tift, who taught at Naropa University and was a student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. “Let’s talk about neurosis beginning with, how do you define it?…” <read more…>

Already Free 1

Already Free – Part 1 Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Tami Simon’s Insight at the Edge interview of Bruce Tift, who taught at Naropa University and was a student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. “You begin the book by describing two different ways of viewing our human experience. You call them “the…

Tao of Physics

The Tao of Physics Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Fritjof Capra’s book, The Tao of Physics (pp. 17-25). “Modern physics has had a profound influence on almost all aspects of human society…. [and] … extends to the realm of thought and culture where it has led … toward a view of…

Ours To Do

Ours To Do Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Richard Rohr’s blog on contemplation and action. “I founded the Center for Action and Contemplation more than thirty years ago because I saw a deep need for the integration of both action and contemplation. Over the years, I met many activists who were…

Forgiving the Past

Forgiving the Past Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Dr. Joe Dispenza’s blog. Dispenza is the author of several books including, “You are the Placebo” and “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.” “With the fresh start of a new decade before us, let’s talk about forgiveness. We’ve all had situations in our…

Best Year Ever

Our Best Year Ever! Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley in her 1/01/2020 letter. “Today’s the day, and NOW is the time. The concept of “some day” in the future, is an old paradigm that we can put aside now. I LOVE this new year….” <read more…>

Being Human

Being Human Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Ram Dass Organization posted 12/23/19. “Ram Dass (born Richard Alpert…) died peacefully at his home on December 22, 2019, on Maui. In 1967-68, Alpert journeyed to India, where he met the famed Indian saint, Neem Karoli Baba, or Maharaj-ji, chronicled in BE HERE NOW.…