Relax Weekly Blog Friends, Here is something different this week – a song that reminds us who we are! The song is by Shaina Noll and is called, “You Can Relax Now” from her album, Songs for the Inner Child…. <read more…>
Relax Weekly Blog Friends, Here is something different this week – a song that reminds us who we are! The song is by Shaina Noll and is called, “You Can Relax Now” from her album, Songs for the Inner Child…. <read more…>
Order, Disorder, Reorder Weekly Blog Friends, Here is an excerpt from an On Being interview of Fr. Richard Rohr discussing the value of suffering…. <read more…>
Perfecting Love Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt in this week’s blog contains one of my favorite stories. It comes from a Spirituality & Health magazine interview by Sam Mowe with Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield entitled “How Can People Be Deeply Spiritual and Emotionally Immature?….. <read more…>
Curiosity Weekly Blog Friends, This week, I am sharing excerpts from Terry Chadsey, Executive Director of Courage & Renewal (Parker Palmer’s organization). His sense of curiosity as a welcoming stance is an important way-of-being to create safety….. <read more…>
Holy Rascals Weekly Blog Friends, This week, I am sharing excerpts from a Sounds True interview with Rabbi Rami Shapiro on his concept of Holy Rascals. In a very interesting Youtube talk…. <read more…>
What is Authenticity? by Rev. Nelle Moffett When we gathered our first Authentic Spiritual Conversations group, one topic that inevitably kept coming up is: What do we mean by authenticity? What is authentic conversation? An early conversation in the Arizona group addressed the circumstances in which we tend not to be authentic, to hide, stay…
Moving Forward Notes from the Authentic Spiritual Conversations meeting held in Cottonwood, AZ on 03/02/2016 Friends, Carolyn facilitated the first part of the meeting, opening by sharing a heart breathing practice. We shared how it was to have the first meeting without Nelle and Rick. There was appreciation for the stability …. <read more…>
Sharing Inspiration Notes from the Authentic Spiritual Conversations meeting held in Cottonwood, AZ on 02/24/2016 Friends, Mokasiya was the facilitator this week. He shared some props including an ear of Indian corn and asked what we would like to grow in our lives? Also several people had brought in an inspirational reading …. <read more…>
In the Flow Notes from the Authentic Spiritual Conversations meeting held in Cottonwood, AZ on 02/17/2016 Friends, Domonic was the facilitator this week and we had one new person join the meeting. Several people shared how this group contributed to their lives in meaningful ways. What emerged next was a rich, flowing conversation of people…
Transitions and Tools Notes from the Authentic Spiritual Conversations meeting held in Cottonwood, AZ on 02/09/2016 Friends, Carolyn was the facilitator this week and we had one new person join the meeting. We started with a short centering quiet time. Carolyn asked if anyone had something they wanted to share. One person shared excitement about…