Wisdom of a Lakota Elder

Wisdom of a Lakota Elder Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Tami Simon’s Insights at the Edge interview with Joseph Marshall. Joseph Marshall was born on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota and raised in a traditional native household…. “Tami Simon: One of the themes of your work is the…

Emotional Rescue

Emotional Rescue Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Dr. Joe Dispenza’s blog. “Emotions are residual chemical records of the past. Because emotions influence our thoughts, if we live by these same familiar emotions every day, and those emotions are driving our thoughts … then not only are we thinking in the past,…

Follow Your Bliss

Follow Your Bliss Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley in her 07/20/19 Daily Spiritual Espresso blog. “In case you don’t know, it was the brilliant Joseph Campbell who first coined the phrase “Follow your bliss.” … In my experience, when I follow my passion (my bliss), I am…

The New Humanity

The New Humanity Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Meher Baba’s Discourses on The New Humanity. “The divine plan. As in all great critical periods of human history, humanity is now going through the agonising travail of spiritual rebirth. Great forces of destruction are afoot and seem to be dominant at the…

Embracing the Reality of Sorrow

Embracing the Reality of Sorrow Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Adyashanti’s “The Way of Liberation Online Course Q&A.” “A participant writes: I am writing this with fear to do so. I have stayed in the background reading only nonduality books daily and listening to your CDs for the past four years.…

Real Magic

Real Magic Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Inspire Nation host Michael Sandler’s interview with Dean Radin, who is chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the author of REAL MAGIC: The Science Behind Clairvoyance, Telekinesis & Telepathy, Law of Attraction. “Sandler: When did you realize you’ve been studying magic…

Being a Healing Presence

Being a Healing Presence Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from ACIM teacher Jennifer Hadley. “When we’re living in accordance with spiritual principle, then we become a healing presence in this world. Back in the 60s, Eldridge Cleaver said “You either have to be part of the solution, or you’re going to be…


Ubuntu Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Ntokozo Charity Sabic who is a shaman, facilitator, speaker, and climate and social change activist… Her goal is to deliver a message of empowerment, service, Indigenous wisdom, sustainable living, and the importance of building community in modern society….” <read more…>

Importance of Being Nobody

The Importance of Being Nobody Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from ACIM teacher Jon Mundy. “I remember this Emily Dickinson poem from a children’s book of poetry I had as a child.It made quite an impression on me then, but now I see a completely different meaning to it…..” <read more…>

Weave the People

Weave The People Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week comes from The Shift Network President’s Update by Stephen Dinan. “I was invited to participate in an extraordinary gathering called #weavethepeople, drawing together 250 grassroots leaders who are “weaving” the country back together in specific issue areas from healing veterans with PTSD to addressing political…