Trauma and Spirituality

Trauma and Spirituality Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from a Science and Non Duality conference (SAND18) interview with Peter Levine and Thomas Huebl. Levine is the father of trauma therapy work and the founder of Somatic Experiencing. Huebl is a mystic spiritual teacher known for his work integrating healing of collective trauma. “Interviewer:…

Celebrate Death

Celebrate Death Friends, The excerpt this week is from a transcript of Don Miguel Ruiz’s 10 Year Anniversary video on 11/25/2013. “Hello my dear friends. This is Dr. Miguel Ruiz with a big celebration and laughs for me. I celebrated that 10 years ago in February 28th at 4:00 in the morning I have a…

Healing the Soil

Healing the Soil, Healing Ourselves Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Insights at the Edge Tami Simon’s interview with Dr. Erin Yu-Juin McMorrow. “Tami: Tell us how you went from getting your doctorate in policy planning and development, to having the kind of passionate interest you have in regenerative agriculture and specifically the health of…

Are We There Yet

Are We There Yet? Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from Craig Hamilton’s video entitled, “Are We There Yet? How to Know if Your Meditation is Working.” “… the question of “how do I know if I’m there yet, how do I know when I’m doing it right,” is a question that you can…

The Sacred Pause

The Sacred Pause Friends, The excerpt this week is from Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield’s 3/13/2021 reflection entitled, “The Sacred Pause.”   “Our life can take on a whirlwind quality …. When we are busy, and conflicts or difficulties arise, we can easily find ourselves overwhelmed, or reacting to problems in ways that make things worse. Because…

Fulfilling Your Purpose

Fulfilling Your Purpose Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Michael Beckwith’s 3/9/21 sermon entitled, “The Truth About Life is the Truth About You.”         “…I was thinking … last night about … near-death experiences. I call them near-life experiences because as they pass over they become closer to their original life and they’re able to…

Cracked in Half

Cracked in Half Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from a transcript of Carolyn Myss’ talk, “We Are Getting Cracked in Half” on 2/2/2021. “…we’re obviously living in very chaotic times. But what is chaos? … There’s divine chaos and there’s earthly chaos but it’s kind of a creative principle. Chaos comes and…

Faith and Doubt

Faith and Doubt Friends, The excerpt this week is from Richard Rohr’s meditation “Faith and Doubt Are Not Opposites.” “Basic religious faith is a vote for some coherence, purpose, benevolence, and direction in the universe. Unfortunately, the notion of faith that emerged in the West was much more a rational assent to the truth of…


Surrender Friends, The excerpt this week comes from Craig Hamilton’s April 21, 2020 class entitled, “Giving Up the Illusion of Control.” “Surrendering Control When Things Are Out of Control. The third Spiritual Survival Skill that I want to talk about is surrender. Surrender can mean a lot of different things. But in relation to what we’re…

Effortless Mindfulness

Effortless Mindfulness Weekly Blog Friends, The excerpt this week is from the book, “The Way of Effortless Mindfulness: A Revolutionary Guide for Living an Awakened Life” by Loch Kelly…. Loch is an emerging voice in modernizing meditation, social engagement, and collaborating with neuroscientists. “Most of us love the feeling of effortlessness. Some of the happiest…